ARTICulation 4 - I enter the landscape from the north

  • Period: 10/25/2024 - 11/25/2024
  • Time: 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM
  • Days: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
  • Area: Alstahaug

ARTICulation 4 - I enter the landscape from the north

ArtBase Helgeland 66°N in collaboration with Kulturbadet Gallery presents a series of exhibitions  focusing upon contemporary artists who were either born, live or have worked over several years in the arctic areas. We believe that artists with this personal experience and years of close association have the North and the Arctic rooted in them. This provides an in-depth understanding and experience of Northern Norway in a distinctive way. Artists from outside can try to understand the affinity and the challenges - but will never be able to experience this unique deep connection through short stays. Therefore, it is crucial that we from the north are the ones who have the clearer and more authentic voice in the stories that are shared with the world. Our goal is to present innovative, high-quality exhibitions with artists who make visible and thematicize the relationship between people, nature, climate and the heritage of future generations.

The collaboration marks the municipality of Alstahaug in Nordland county under European capital of culture Bodø 2024. The project has received support from the Norwegian Culture Fund, Local culture funds Bodø 2024, Sparebank 1 Helgeland Gavestiftelse and Nordland county municipality.

Instagram: @karielfstedt
Instagram: @elisabetalsosstrand
Instagram: @toril_bonsaksen
Instagram: @sylvia.henriksen
Instagram: @inaotzko
Instagram: @jetpascuaartist

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