
QSPA Award Ceremony & Concert at Stormen Concert Hall

  • Når: 05.06.2024
  • Tid: 18:00
  • Sted: Bodø
  • Arena: Stormen Konserthus

A Ceremony for Everyone
5th of June at 18:00 (6 PM)

IMPORTANT UPDATE: Due to strong winds, the concert and ceremony will be held at Stormen Concert Hall in Bodø instead. Free tickets can be obtained at Stormen Concert Hall from June 4 at 2 PM. 

The Award Winners of the Queen Sonja print Awards 2024:
Lifetime Achievement Award: Anselm Kiefer
Queen Sonja Print Award: Tomas Colbengtson
Inspirational Award: Maria Kayo Mpoyi

This will be a fantastic evening of art and music, featuring performances by several northern Norwegian artists. The event is open to everyone. The artists performing include Mari Boine, Kari Bremnes, Thea Meyer, ELSK, and Spire. The Queen will welcome the attendees and present the awards to Anselm Kiefer, Tomas Colbengtson, and Maria Kayo Mpoyi. The event will be hosted by Lena Kristin Ellingsen from Saltdal.
The Music Festival of Nordland, the county we are visiting, is a partner for the concert.

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