
Reseach vessels visit r/v Oceanograf og r/v Oceania

  • When: 6/20/2024
  • Time: 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM
  • Area: Bodø

Visit r/v Oceanograf – the most modern research unit in the Baltic Sea

For the last 7 years r/v Oceanograf has been exploring the waters of the Baltic Sea. Go on a tour on the University of Gdańsk's research vessel and learn about the job of a marine scientist. Visit the main deck, where researchers lower specialised equipment into the sea, the wet lab, where they prepare the samples, or the heart of the operations - the bridge, where marine physicists scan the bottom of the sea with acoustic devices.

r/v Oceania - the arctic explorer

Visit r/v Oceania - a three-masted ship nearly 50 meters long and 9 meters wide. It is one of two research vessels in Poland. The first voyages took place at the beginning of 1986. The next year, r/v Oceania embarked on its first Arctic cruise, a tradition of continuous measurements, which we carry on to this day. The ship spends over 250 days at sea per year. Oceania is a symbol of continuous development and striving for excellence in oceanographic science.
'Woman's View of the Sea.'
In Bodo besides visiting both r/v Oceanograf and r/v Oceania, you'll be able to see the exhibition 'Woman's View of the Sea.'
The exhibition consists of 10 winning works, presenting side by side the scientific theme undertaken by a female scientist and its reflection by an female artist.
Our competition aims to raise awareness about the sea by bridging science and art. Our focus is on presenting the female perspective on maritime issues, drawing from both scientific and artistic viewpoints.
The project idea, including the exhibition, emerged from the observation that despite women's longstanding independent and ambitious scientific research at sea, the narrative around the sea predominantly centers on men. Literature, film, and popular culture often emphasize survival, resilience, and strength against the elements.
Welcome onboard!

Featured events

Friday 27. September 2024
  • Venue:Litteratursalen Stormen bibliotek
  • Area:Bodø